
Global Diaspora Multicultural Coaching Network
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  • About Us

    In 2012, Yonsei University Counseling and Coaching Center recruited few counselors to provide counseling services for international students. This group of counselors expanded and actively reached out to a culturally diverse community.
    In 2017, Global Diaspora Multicultural Coaching Network was founded and was accredited as the Seoul city NGO. It contiues to work with Yonsei University, while expaniding and improving previous programs. The organization provides professional counseling and coaching services to help and support personal growth and happiness. Global Diaspora also offer programs to train professional counselors and coaches. Trained counselors and coaches can work at the organization or go out to toher instutituions to serve the community.

    Global Diaspora Multicultural Coaching Network also work with following organizations:

    Associated Organizations
    ■ Yonsei University Counseling and Coaching Center(연세대학교 상담코칭지원센터)
    ■ Daoom Center for Counseling & Coaching(다움 상담코칭센터)
    ■ Ansan Multicultural Family Service Center(안산 다문화 가족행복나눔센터)
    ■ International Counseling Study Network(국제상담연구회)
    ■ Multicultural Mission Network(다문화선교협의회)